Ensayo de cultivares de tomate de sabor en invernadero. Caracteres de calidad y producción.
Promastigote EPS secretion and haptomonad biofilm formation as evolutionary adaptations of trypanosomatid parasites for colonizing honeybee hosts.
The recent revision of the genera Nosema and Vairimorpha (Microsporidia:Nosematidae) was flawed and misleads the bee scientific community
Promastigote EPS secretion and haptomonad biofilm formation as evolutionary adaptations of trypanosomatid parasites for colonizing honeybee hosts.
Biomarker responses and lethal dietary doses of tau-fluvalinate and coumaphos in honey bees: Implications for chronic acaricide toxicity.
Trypanosomatids in honey bee colonies in Spain: A new specific qPCR method for specific quantification of Lotmaria passim, Crithidia mellificae and Crithidia bombi
Workflow of Lotmaria passim isolation: Experimental infection with a low-passage strain causes higher honeybee mortality rates than the PRA-403 reference strain.
The Effect of Migratory Beekeeping on the Infestation Rate of Parasites in Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Colonies and on Their Genetic Variability
Assessing the resistance to acaricides in Varroa destructor from several Spanish locations.
Multiple stressors interact to impair the performance of bumblebee Bombus terrestris colonies
Interactions among global change pressures act in a non-additive way on bumblebee individuals and colonies.
Centro de Investigación Apícola y Agroambiental
C/ Camino San Martín s/n
19180 Marchamalo (Guadalajara)
Teléfono: 949 885014
Fax: 949 250 176
Correo Electrónico: secretaria.ciapa@jccm.es
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